Monday, March 21, 2005

Can't think of a title

This past weekend, we went to an Easter egg hunt hosted by an lovely woman from the church where Amber grew up. Amber actually attended this same hunt as a little girl, and while we were there "Grandma F" pulled out some pictures from those many years ago. It's hard to believe that one day we'll be looking back fondly at pictures of our little girls from years gone by. Anyway, we all had a good time. Saturday night, R and J came over and brought a yummy dinner. We had a great time playing Settlers of Catan (one of our favorite games). R won.

We seem to be beyond the cold/cough crud that the girls have had the past two weeks, thank God. They are much less fun when they don't feel well.

I'm very proud of Amber. She'll be finishing her Master's Degree in Counseling this May and I'll bet money she'll be graduating with a 4.0; and she's done it while doing a great job being mom to ABC and wife to me. Amazing.

I'm officially declaring weekends as my family time. It may seem like common sense but I really haven't thought about my weekends that way until now. In one way I became a parent "overnight" but in another, more important way, I'm just beginning that transformation. Since our girls go to bed by 7 each night, the weekends are the really the only times I get to hang out with them. It feels so much better having a single priority on weekends simply because of the clarity it brings to my mind. I feel less tied to a to-do list or to the things I personally want to accomplish over the weekend, and more spontaneous and able to just enjoy life with the girls. Children have a way of bringing you down to their level, thanks be to God. I hope I never lose the ability to get below all the sh*t that comes with being an adult and enter the world of mystery, trust, and uninhibited joy that is childhood. May I always wonder what's inside the pink plastic egg hidden in the grass.


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